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Information for the Public

Several Bar Associations in Tennessee have placed information on their web sites to help you know when you need a lawyer and how best to find one. Of course, as several of these sites will suggest, one thing you should consider (although it is not the only thing) is whether the attorney is certified as a specialist in the area for which you are employing him. You can confirm his or her certification by checking our list of Certified Specialists.

Certified Specialists have significant experience in their specialty field, have passed an examination, meet continuing legal education requirements for their field, have received positive references form their clients and other lawyers, and must carry malpractice insurance.

These resources can provide you with additional valuable information to help you decide if you need a lawyer and how to get one. You may click on the links provided below to open a page of the respective web site, or call the phone numbers listed to contact them personally.

Tennessee Bar Association (615) 383-7421
How to find suggestions, plus info on legal fees, changing lawyers, what to do if you are unhappy with your lawyer, etc.

Nashville Bar Association (615) 242-6546
A very good description of times you may need a lawyer; points to ponder in picking a lawyer; and info on their Lawyer Referral Service.

Knoxville Bar Association (865) 522-7501
This site offers a number of pages that provide valuable assistance in helping you find a lawyer.

The following sites provide info on their Lawyer Information Services, with no additional suggestions on finding a lawyer. The telephone number is direct to the Lawyer Information Services.

Memphis Bar Association (888) 577-1939

Chattanooga Bar Association (423) 756-3222 ext. 102